It is very positive step that income tax department to assess
all income tax returns filed online quickly. After successful
assessment of tax returns by income tax department,
issues Intimation u/s 143(1). Normally these intimations will
be received through email to the Email address provided in
filing income tax returns online . This Intimation u/s 143(1)
should be treated as completion of assessment income tax
returns for the year unless there is tax due from the tax
We treat this as Intimation of completion of assessment of
income tax returns, Intimation of Income tax refund in case
refund is due from income tax, India. If net taxable income
is more than total tax paid, this Intimation u/s 143(1) will be
treated as demand notice for payment of income tax due to
income tax department.
We have to interpret the Intimation u/s 143(1) as follows:-
1. If “NET AMOUNT REFUNDABLE” mentioned in
Intimation u/s 143(1) letter more than Rs 100, there is
a tax refund due from income tax department to tax
payer. Refunds amounting less than Rs 100 won’t be
refunded. You can check refund status online https://
2. If “NET AMOUNT DEMAND” mentioned in Intimation
u/s 143(1) letter more than Rs 100, there is tax
amount due from tax payer. This will be treated as
demand notice for the payment of income tax due.
This Intimation letter encloses challan form to pay
income tax if the due is more than Rs 100.
less than Rs 100, you can treat this Intimation u/s 143(1) as
completion of income tax returns assessment under Income
Tax Act. It can be useful for the proof of Income/
Completion of income tax returns assessment.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Common to save Income Tax in India
Everyone wants to increase the income but don’t
want to pay taxes. There are many ways to save
income tax. You might know few of these but I
am sure you will find at least one new way from
this article that can save more tax this year.
There is a long list, so I will keep the descriptions short to
save your time.
#1. Interest Income on Saving Account
You might not be aware that interest income on saving
accounts is not taxable up to 10,000 Rupees. If you earned
15,000 as interest from all your savings accounts (sum up
interest from all your bank saving accounts), then you have
to pay tax only on 5000 rupees.
#2. Interest Income on NRE Account
Indian Government is very friendly to NRIs. Someone with
NRE account doesn’t have to pay tax on interest income on
saving or fixed deposits.
Some smart Indians residing abroad, take a loan from the
foreign country at 3-4% and invest their income in India
through NRE account and earn tax-free income at 8-9%.
Point to note that their income from NRE account is tax-free
in India, but it may be taxed in their residing country (as per
country law).
#3. Maturity or Claim amount by Life Insurance
As per amendments introduced in the Finance Act, 2003,
any proceeds received on account of maturity/surrender of
an insurance policy were exempt from tax only if the
premium paid did not exceed 20% of the sum assured. As
an example, if the annual premium is R10,000, to qualify for
the exemption, the minimum sum assured under the policy
was required to be R50,000.
If the sum assured was less than the said value, the entire
maturity proceeds would be taxable.
#4. Educational Scholarship
Any amount received as scholarship for education is not
taxable. It does not matter if scholarship is granted by
government or private trust.
#5. Profit from Selling Shares or Equity Mutual Funds
Only after 1 year holding (Long Term Capital Gains)
If you invest in stocks or mutual funds then you can make
your profits 100% non-taxable. Do not sell your equity
before holding for one year, whether shares or mutual funds
For example, you invested 100,000 in some stock and in 11
months it becomes worth 1,20,000. If you sell all of them
then you have to pay tax on 20,000 profit. If you hold it for
another month, then you are not liable to pay any tax on the
Same is applicable to equity mutual funds.
#6. Dividends received from Shares or Equity Mutual Funds
Stocks and Mutual Funds (Equity focused) distribute
dividends to shareholders. All of the dividends are tax-free
in the hands of the receiver.
Like in the previous example, where you bought stocks
worth 100,000, let’s assume you receive dividends of 2000
after 10 months. Even one year is not completed since you
bought stocks, you don’t have to pay any taxes on
#7. Amount received as Gifts on marriage
Do you know that the gifts received (cash/cheque/gifts) on
marriage are totally tax-free?
You can receive gifts from your relatives, friends and family
on the occasion of your marriage and you don’t have to pay
any taxes.
#8. Agriculture Income
Any income derived from Agriculture land is tax-free in
Any rent derived from land
Income from agriculture products
Income from farm building
#9. HUF account for secondary income
You can take benefit of tax saving under HUF account if you
have any additional income to your salary. You can pay tax
on your salary under your name and deposit secondary
income into HUF account.
Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) status is available to Hindu,
Sikh and Jain families in India. You have to get separate
PAN and bank account number. Income Tax Department
considers HUF as a separate entity for taxation purpose.
For example you have 500,000 income from your salary and
3,50,000 income from blogging and consulting. You will pay
tax on 2,50,000 on your salaried income and 1,00,000 on
your secondary income as per latest income tax slabs.
You can save tax on both of your entities by investing in tax
saving options like under section 80C. You will virtually pay
no taxes on your secondary income if you invest 1,00,000 in
tax saving instruments.
#10. Inherited Amount through Will
There is no inheritance tax in India. So anything you get
from your parents or uncles through WILL is not taxable in
your hands. It becomes your non-taxable income.
#11. Well Known Tax Saving Options under section 80C
Everyone knows that Section 80C offers a maximum
deduction of up to Rs. 1,50,000 (revised). A few of the
options are as follows:
Public Provident Fund
Life Insurance Premium
National Savings Certificate
Equity Linked Savings Scheme
Principal Amount Repaid on Home Loan
5 year fixed deposits with banks and post office
Tuition fees paid for children’s education, up to a
maximum of 2 children
#12. Money Received from Provident Funds (after 5 years)
You will save tax on investments in Provident Account in the
year of investment. The good news is that you don’t have to
pay taxes on interest received from EPF/PF investments
(note that Interest received on Fixed Deposit is taxable).
You have to keep your Provident Fund active for at least five
years before you start withdrawing money (however not
recommended unless an emergency)
#13. Tax Saving from Home Loan
Use your home loan efficiently to save more tax. There are
three ways to get income tax deduction on your home loan
The principal amount re-paid in the current financial year
is included under Section 80C, offering a deduction up to
Rs. 1,50,000.
The interest portion offers a deduction up to Rs. 1,50,000
separately under Section 24.
If you are living in the home on which you took first home
loan, you can get another loan for the second house.
There is no limit on income tax deduction on the interest
payment of second home loan. Very few people are aware
of this benefit of tax saving on second home loan.
#14. Tax Saving on Education Loan
Section 80E – Interest paid on education loan is also non-
taxable, there is no upper limit on the amount. The
education loan for higher studies is applicable for the
deduction if taken for self, spouse or children.
#15. Medical Insurance
Section 80D – Deduction of Rs. 15,000 for medical
insurance of self, spouse and dependent children and Rs.
20,000 for medical insurance of parents above 65 years
#16. Donations
Section 80G – Donations to specified funds or charitable
institutions. You need to retain the stamped receipts of the
donations and make sure the charitable organization is
Business Persons – Tax Savings Tips and Tricks
#17. Distributed Profit to Partners in Partnership Firms
There is no tax in the hand on partners if their partnership
firm is making profits and partners decide to distribute
profits among themselves. Partners get tax benefit because
their partnership firm has already paid taxes on the profits.
#18. Travel/Hotel Expenses in Business
Business owners have to travel to grow their business. They
can file travel and hotel expenses as business expenses to
save tax. They never pay for travel from their salary but
from company account. Smart people always show
expenses before taxation.
Look what a salaried person do – assume he has taxable
income of 10,00,000 (after all deductions) and pay his taxes
as per slab. Then he spends 2,00,000 on travel vacation on
leftover income.
And what a business person do – He shows his travel as a
business expense and take the rest of profits as salary. He
will pay tax on 8,00,000 only.
#19. Food Expenses in Business
Similarly, business owners need to meet so many people
like customers, vendors, and potential hires. Often he
spends money on paying bills of food. They save tax by
showing all food expenses as the business expense.
Tax Savings Tips and Tricks only for Salaried Persons
and some extra tips for financial management if you got
your first job.
#20. Leave Travel Allowance
Employees can utilize Leave Travel Allowance for the
expenses on domestic vacations. This policy covers the
expense of travel tickets for yourself and your family. You
will not be taxed on the travel expenses of your spouse, two
children and parents if they are part of your journey. Brother
or Sister are covered only if they are solely dependent on
You can avail this facility twice in the block of four years. If
you were unable to claim the benefits in four year block then
you can carry over one vacation in next block, provided you
avail in the first year of the block itself.
#21. House Rent Allowance
You can claim HRA to save tax on your house rent. This is
applicable only if you are not owning any house near to
your office. You must be living in rented space and should
receive rent receipts from the house owner. You have to
submit PAN card copy of your landlord if you are paying
more than 100,000 annual rent.
If HRA forms part of your salary, then the minimum of the
following three is available as exemption:
The actual HRA received from your employer
The actual rent paid by you for the house, minus 10 per
cent of your salary (including your allowances)
50 per cent of your basic salary (for a metro) or 40 per
cent of your basic salary (for non-metro).
#22. Income from Gratuity
Gratuity received on retirement or on becoming
incapacitated or on termination or any gratuity received by
his widow, children or dependants on his death is exempt
subject to certain conditions.
The maximum amount of exemption is Rs. 3,50,000.
#23. Meal Coupons
You can ask your employer to issue you meal coupons (like
Sodexo) those are not taxable up to 2600 per month.
#24. Medical Bills
Keep the receipts of your medical expenses which can be
used to save tax at year end. You must know that up to
15,000 amount is non-taxable on medical expenses for
yourself and your dependents.
#25. Daily Travel Allowance
You can avail tax benefits on conveyance up to 1600 rupees
(Revised) per month from your company. You can save tax
on 19,200 per annum on conveyance allowance. You don’t
have to submit any bills or proof to avail this tax benefit.
Some companies have the policy of daily travel allowance if
an employee is commuting by car or bike. You have to
submit original fuel bills to get the tax benefit. Limit of non-
taxable amount varies with your vehicle type and capacity,
you have to check with your employer for more details.
#26. Company Leased Car
Check with your employer if they have car lease policy. In
that case, you will not be allowed to take advantage of Daily
Travel Allowance, and you can drive company leased car to
save tax on car EMI & fuel.
#27. Telephone/Internet Expenses
You company may not be reimbursing your telephone or
internet expenses but may have any policy to make these
expenses tax free. You can either get telephone expenses
reimbursed or claim tax benefits.
#27+ Money under VRS
Voluntarily Retirement Scheme – Upto 5 lacs
Only applicable for employees of public sector company or
authority established under Center or State Govt.
If any employee takes voluntarily retirement then the
amount received is non-taxable with the upper limit of 5
Basic of market investment
शेयर बाजार फाइनैंशल वर्ल्ड का सबसे दुलारा शब्द है और साथ
ही रहस्यमय भी। कुछ लोग इसे जुआ मानते हैं तो कुछ लीगल तरीके
से अतिरिक्त आमदनी करने का एक बेहतरीन जरिया। वहीं, कुछ
ऐसे भी लोग है जो शेयर बाजार को ही अपनी आजीविका का
मुख्य जरिया बना लेते हैं। आप चाहे इनमें जिस भी कैटिगरी में
आते हों, आपको यह समझ लेना होगा कि दलाल स्ट्रीट के
ट्रैफिक के भी अपने कुछ नियम हैं और अगर आपने इनकी अनदेखी
की, तो फिर आपको महंगी कीमत चुकानी पड़ सकती है।
दलाल स्ट्रीट पर फर्राटा भरने से पहले आपको इसका ककहरा
समझना होगा। शेयर बाजार के दो शॉपिंग सेंटर हैं, नैशनल स्टॉक
एक्सचेंज (एनएसई) और बॉम्बे स्टॉक एक्सचेंज (बीएसई)। ये दोनों
शॉपिंग सेंटर मुंबई में हैं। हालांकि बीएसई की उम्र सौ साल से
ज्यादा हो चुकी है और एनएसई की शुरुआत सिर्फ दो दशक पहले
1991 में हुई, लेकिन आज एनएसई मार्केट कैपिटलाइजेशन के
लिहाज से देश का सबसे बड़ा और दुनिया का 11वां सबसे बड़ा
एक्सचेंज बन चुका है। मार्केट कैपिटलाइजेशन खरीद-बिक्री के
लिए बाजार में मौजूद किसी कंपनी के शेयरों और उनकी कीमत
को मल्टीप्लाई कर हासिल किया जाता है।
शेयर मतलब हिस्सेदारी
शेयर दरअसल किसी कंपनी का सबसे छोटा यूनिट होता है और
इसे खरीदने का मतलब सीधे उस कंपनी का हिस्सा खरीदना
होता है। जैसे, अगर किसी कंपनी के 1 करोड़ शेयर बाजार में हैं
और आपने उसके 1 लाख शेयर खरीद लिए तो इसका मतलब यह
होगा कि आप उस कंपनी के 1 फीसदी हिस्से के मालिक हो
डिविडेंड पर मिलेगा हक
सवाल यह है कि अगर आप किसी कंपनी के 1 फीसदी हिस्से के
मालिक हैं, तो इससे आपको क्या मिलेगा? दरअसल किसी भी
कंपनी को जो मुनाफा होता है, उसमें से अपनी ग्रोथ के लिए
जरूरी रकम निकाल कर बाकी वह अपने शेयरहोल्डर्स
(हिस्सेदारों) में बांट देती है। इसे डिविडेंड कहते हैं। यह डिविडेंड
हर शेयर के हिसाब से मिलता है। तो अगर हर शेयर पर आपको 2
रुपये का डिविडेंड मिल रहा है और आपके पास 1 लाख शेयर हैं,
तो आपको 2 लाख रुपये मिलेंगे।
डिविडेंड की मलाई कितनी बार
कुछ कंपनियां अपने तिमाही नतीजों के समय ही डिविडेंड
घोषित करती हैं। वहीं कुछ सालाना नतीजों के समय इनका
ऐलान करती हैं। साल के बीच में दिए गए डिविडेंड इंटरिम
(अंतरिम) कहलाते हैं, जबकि साल के आखिर में मिलने वाला
डिविडेंड फाइनल कहा जाता है। लेकिन यहां यह बात ध्यान
रखने लायक है कि डिविडेंड देना किसी कंपनी की मर्जी पर
निर्भर करता है। इसलिए अगर आप डिविडेंड को ध्यान में रखते हुए
किसी कंपनी के शेयर खरीद रहे हों, तो उसका इतिहास जरूर देख
लें कि उसने इससे पहले डिविडेंड दिया है कि नहीं।
डिविडेंड यील्ड का गणित
कोई कंपनी कितना डिविडेंड देती है, इसे समझने के लिए
डिविडेंड यील्ड का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। कोई कंपनी हर
शेयर पर 10 रुपये डिविडेंड देती है और उसकी कीमत 200 रुपये है।
वहीं दूसरी कंपनी 7 रुपये डिविडेंड देती है, जबकि उसकी कीमत
100 रुपये है। किसी शेयर का डिविडेंड यील्ड वह रकम होती है,
जो उस शेयर के हर 100 रुपये पर डिविडेंड के तौर पर हासिल
होती है। इसीलिए इसे फीसदी के तौर पर समझा जाता है। ऊपर
के उदाहरण में पहले शेयर का डिविडेंड यील्ड 5 फीसदी है,
जबकि दूसरे का 7 फीसदी। यानी डिविंडेड के लिहाज से
दूसरी कंपनी के शेयरों की खरीद बेहतर है।
डिविडेंड के अलावा क्या?
अगर कोई कंपनी डिविडेंड देती ही नहीं हो, तो फिर उसके शेयर
क्यों खरीदें? इसका जवाब उस शेयर की कीमत है, जो लगातार
बढ़ती-घटती रहती है। अगर आपने कोई शेयर 100 रुपये का खरीदा
हो और उसकी कीमत बढ़कर 120 रुपये हो जाए तो आप उसे बेचकर
20 रुपये का सीधा मुनाफा कमा सकते हैं। यानी डिविडेंड के
अलावा किसी कंपनी के शेयर खरीदने का मकसद उसके दाम में
आने वाली बढ़त का फायदा उठाना है।
बढ़त की भविष्यवाणी कैसे
यही वह सवाल है जहां बहुत लोग शेयर बाजार को जुए के बराबर
मानते हैं। क्या यह संभव है कि किसी कंपनी के शेयर का भाव
गिरने या बढ़ने की भविष्यवाणी पहले से ही की जा सके? क्या
इस भविष्यवाणी का कोई साइंटिफिक आधार है? इसे समझने के
लिए पहले यह समझना होगा कि किसी कंपनी के शेयरों का
भाव कैसे तय होता है।
प्राइस-अर्निंग रेशो (पीई)
प्राइस-अर्निंग रेशो या पीई का मतलब होता है कि किसी
शेयर की कीमत कितने बरसों में वसूल हो जाएगी। यानी किसी
शेयर का दाम 200 रुपये है और पीई 5 तो इसका मतलब है कि इतने
ही साल में आपकी पूरी लागत वसूल हो जाएगी। इसको ऐसे भी
समझ सकते हैं कि किसी कंपनी की प्रति शेयर सालाना
आमदनी 40 रुपये हो और कीमत 200 रुपये, तो पीई 5 होगा। यह
पीई तय करने का कोई निश्चित फॉर्म्युला नहीं है। इसे बाजार
उस शेयर, उसके सेक्टर और इतिहास के आधार पर तय करता है।
मसलन किसी एक सेक्टर को ऐतिहासिक तौर पर 10 का पीई
मिल रहा हो सकता है, जबकि किसी दूसरे सेक्टर के लिए यह
पीई 15 का हो सकता है।
किसी सेक्टर को ज्यादा या कम पीई मिलना इस बात पर
निर्भर करता है कि उस सेक्टर की सालाना ग्रोथ रेट क्या है?
मसलन अगर दो सेक्टरों में से एक की ग्रोथ रेट 10 फीसदी
सालाना और दूसरे की 15 फीसदी है, तो मार्केट में दूसरे सेक्टर
के शेयरों की वैल्यू हमेशा ज्यादा होगी। आप आईटी सेक्टर में
इंफोसिस के शेयर खरीदना चाहते हैं। आप कैसे पता लगाएंगे कि
2800 रुपये के मौजूदा भाव पर यह महंगा है या सस्ता। इस भाव पर
इंफोसिस का पीई 16.8 है, लेकिन आईटी इंडस्ट्री का एवरेज
पीई फिलहाल 20.5 है। तो इस लिहाज से आप यह मान सकते हैं
कि इंफोसिस के शेयर अभी सस्ते हैं। लेकिन यह निष्कर्ष
निकालना थोड़ी जल्दी होगी। आपको यह भी देखना होगा
कि मौजूदा फाइनैंशल ईयर में आईटी इंडस्ट्री और इंफोसिस की
ग्रोथ रेट क्या है? इंफोसिस के शेयरों को सस्ता केवल तभी
माना जा सकता है जब उसकी ग्रोथ रेट या तो आईटी सेक्टर के
बराबर हो या फिर उससे ज्यादा।
शेयरों के वैल्यूएशन का प्रोसेस समझने के बाद आप यह बखूबी समझ
सकते हैं कि कोई शेयर इस समय सस्ता है या महंगा। अगर शेयर
सस्ता है, तो उसकी खरीद कर मुनाफा कमाने को वैल्यू बाईंग
कहते हैं। लेकिन कई बार महंगे शेयर खरीद कर भी मुनाफा कमाया
जा सकता है। या कई बार सस्ते शेयरों की खरीद भी आपको
नुकसान का झटका दे सकती है।