(ॐ) = Primordial Sound(ॐकार) = the syllable om
(अ) = not
(अंकुश) = a goad (metal stick used to control elephants)
(अंकुशधारिणम्) = bearing the weapon `ankusha' with which the elephant is controlled
(अंगण) = field
(अंगसंगिनौ) = with
(अंगैः) = limbs, body parts
(अंगैस्तुष्टुवांसस्तनूभिः) = having satisfied with strong limbs?
(अंजन) = anointment
(अंबा) = mother
(अंश) = part, angle
अधिदैवतं = called अधिदैव
अधिप = protector
अधिपति = lord
अधिभुत = the principle of objective existence
अधिभूतं = the material manifestation
अधिमात्र = superior
अधिमात्रातम = the highest, the supreme one
अधियज्ञ = the principle of sacrifice, incarnation
अधियज्ञः = the Supersoul
अधिवास = dwelling
अधिष्ठान = seat, abode
अधिष्ठानं = sitting place
अधिष्ठाय = being so situated
अधिसरि = competent candidate
अधीत = studied
अधीता = studied
अधीयानः = studied
अधुना = recently
अधोमुख = face downwards
अधोमुखश्वानासन = the dog stretch posture
अध्ययन = study
अध्ययनैः = or Vedic study
अध्यक्शेण = by superintendence
अध्यात्म = the principle of self
अध्यात्मं = transcendental
अध्यात्मविद्या = spiritual knowledge
अध्यापयितुम = to teach (infinitive of causative of adhi+i, to study)
अध्यापिका = (f) lady teacher
अध्यास = a case of mistaken identity
अध्येष्यते = will study
अध्योपत्य. = Lordship
अध्रुवं = temporary
अध्वन = road
अध्वान् = (m) road, path, way
अन्गमेजयत्व = unsteadiness of the body
अनघ = O sinless one
अनन्त = infinite, a name of Vishnu
अनन्तं = unlimited
अनन्तः = Ananta
अनन्तरं = after
अनन्तरूप = O unlimited form
अनन्तरूपं = unlimited form
अनन्तविजयं = the conch named Ananta-vijaya
अनन्तवीर्या = unlimited potency
अनन्ताः = unlimited
अनन्तासन = Ananta's posture
अनन्यचेताः = without deviation of the mind
अनन्यभाक् = without deviation
अनन्यमनसः = without deviation of the mind
अनन्यया = unalloyed, undeviating
अनन्ययोगेन = by unalloyed devotional service
अनन्यस्वाम्यम् = (n) patent rights
अनन्याः = having no other object
अनन्येन = without division
अनपेक्शः = neutral
अनपेक्श्य = without considering the consequences
अनभिश्वण्गः = being without association
अनभिसन्धाय = without desiring
अनभिस्नेहः = without affection
अनयोः = of them
अनर्थं = purposeless/in vain/danger-productive
अनल = fire
अनलः = fire
अनलेन = by the fire
अनवलोकयान् = not looking
अनवाप्तं = wanted
अनश्नतः = abstaining from eating
अनश्नन् = without eating (having fasted)
अनसुयवे = to the nonenvious
अनसूयः = not envious
अनसूयन्तः = without envy
अनहंवादि = without false ego
अनहण्कारः = being without false egoism
अनात्मनः = of one who has failed to control the mind
अनादर = lack of respect
अनादि = without beginning
अनादि = without beginning
अनादित्व = non-beginning
अनादित्वात् = due to eternity
अनानसफलम.h = (n) pineapple
अनामयं = without miseries
अनारम्भात् = by nonperformance
अनार्य = persons who do not know the value of life
अनावृत्ति = no return
अनाशिनः = never to be destroyed
अनाश्रितः = without taking shelter
अनाहत = unbeaten
अनाहुत = (adj) un-invited
अनिकेतः = having no residence
अनिच्छन् = without desiring
अनित्य = uncertain/temporary/ephemeral/transient
अनित्यं = temporary
अनित्यः = nonpermanent
अनिर्देश्यं = indefinite
अनिर्विण्णचेतस = without deviation
अनिलः = (m) wind or air
अनिलचुल्लि = (f) gas (LPG)
अनिश्चयत् = due to non-determination (having not decided)
अनिष्ट = and undesirable
अनिष्टं = leading to hell
अनीश्वरं = with no controller
अनु = following
अनुकम्पार्थं = to show special mercy
अनुकरोति = (1 pp) to follow, to mimic, to ape, to emulate
अनुकारि = like
अनुचारय = (causative of अनु+अर) follow
अनुचिन्तयन् = constantly thinking of
अनुतिष्ठन्ति = regularly perform
अनुत्तमं = the finest
अनुत्तमा = the highest
अनुदर्शनं = observing
अनुदिनं = daily
अनुद्दिश्य = having targetted or aimed at
अनुद्विग्नमनाः = without being agitated in mind
अनुद्वेगकरं = not agitating
अनुपकारिणे = irrespective of return
अनुपश्यति = one tries to see through authority
अनुपश्यन्ति = can see
अनुपश्यामि = do I foresee
अनुप्रपन्नाः = following
अनुबन्ध = (m) result, effect
अनुबन्धं = of future bondage
अनुबन्धीनि = bound
anubandhe = at the end
anumati = (f) permission
anumantaa = permitter
anumaatuM = to guess
anumaana = an inference
anumaanaat.h = (ablat.)from guessing or induction
anuyaayinaH = followers
anurajyate = is becoming attached
anuraadhaa = Seventeenth nakshatra
anulipta = smeared
anulepanaM = smeared with
anuloma = with the grain, naturally
anuvartate = follows in the footsteps
anuvartante = would follow
anuvartayati = adopt
anuvaadaM = translation
anuvaadya = having translated
anuvidhiiyate = becomes constantly engaged
anushaasitaaraM = the controller
anushushruma = I have heard by disciplic succession
anushochanti = lament
anushochituM = to lament
anushhajjate = one necessarily engages
anushhTup.h = the format's name
anushhThana = (n) performance, execution
anusantataani = extended
anusaara = following, customary(masc)
anusmara = go on remembering
anusmaran.h = remembering
anusmaret.h = always thinks of
anusvaaraH = the accompanying sound or letter ( the letter form `.n' `M'?)
anuuchaanaM = (teacher?)
anR^ita = false
aneka = Many
anekadhaa = into many
anekavachanaM = plural
anekaani = many
anena = by this
angaM = body
anta = end
antaM = or end
antaH = (adv) inside
antaHkaraNa = Mind
antaHpeTikaa = (f) drawer
antaHsthaani = within
antakaale = at the end of life
antagataM = completely eradicated
antara = Sub-period in a Dasha
antaraM = between
antaraN^ga = the practices of pranayama and pratyahara
antaradeshiiya = among different countries mainly for transaction??
antaraatmanaa = within himself
antaraatmaa = the inner self, residing in the heart
antaraaya = (m) obstacle
antaraaraamaH = actively enjoying within
antariksha = (n) space
antarikshaM = space, sky
antare = between
antareNa = without
antarjyotiH = aiming within
antaryutakam.h = (n) vest
antarsukhaH = happy from within
antavat.h = perishable
antavantaH = perishable
antike = near
ante = after
andha = blind
andhakaara = darkness
annaM = (n) food
annaat.h = from grains
anya = other person
anyaM = other
anyaH = another
anyat.h = other
anyatra = somewhere else
anyathaa = other
anyayaa = by the other
anyaaM = another
anyaan.h = others
anyaani = different
anyaayena = illegally
anye = others
anyena = by another
anyebhyaH = from others
anyaiH = by others
anyonya = mutual
anvaya = Family
anvashochaH = you are lamenting
anvichchha = try for
anvitaaH = absorbed
anveshhaNam.h = (n) search, exploration
apakR^i = to harm
apachii = to decrease
apaTham.h = read
apaNDita = someone who is not a scholar
apatya = Progeny
apanudyaat.h = can drive away
apamaa = comparison
apamaanayoH = and dishonor
apara = other
aparaM = junior
apararaatra = (m) dawn
aparaspara = without cause
aparaa = lower
aparaajitaH = who had never been vanquished
aparaajiita = Unconquered
aparaaNi = others
aparaan.h = others
aparigraha = abstention from greed, non-possessiveness
aparigrahaH = free from the feeling of possessiveness
aparimeyaM = immeasurable
aparihaarye = of that which is unavoidable
apare = others
aparyaaptaM = immeasurable
apalaayanaM = not fleeing
apavarga = heaven, liberation
apavaada = exceptional
apavighnaH = without obstacles
apashyat.h = he could see
apaharaNa = stealing
apahartaaraM = the remover, destroyer
apahR^ita = stolen
apahR^itachetasaaM = bewildered in mind
apaatrebhyaH = to unworthy persons
apaana = one of the vital airs, controls the elimination of bodily wastes
apaanaM = the air going downward
apaane = in the air which acts downward
apaapo = without sins
apaayinaH = disappearing
apaaraa = one who has no limits
apaavR^itaM = wide open
api = also
apuNya = vice
apunaraavR^ittiM = to liberation
apushhpa = one without flowers
apR^ithivyoH = to the earth
apeksh.h = to expect
apekshaa = (f) expectation, hope
apaishunaM = aversion to fault-finding
apohanaM = forgetfulness
apyayau = disappearance
aprakaashaH = darkness
apratimaprabhaava = O immeasurable power
apratishhThaM = without foundation
apratishhThaH = without any position
apratiikaaraM = without being resistant
apradaaya = without offering
aprameya = the ununderstandable
aprameyaM = immeasurable
aprameyasya = immeasurable
apravR^ittiH = inactivity
apraaptat.h = uttained, obtained
apraapya = failing to attain
apraamaamaaNya = Unjustified
apriyaM = the unpleasant
apriyaH = and the undesirable
apsu = in water
aphala = one without fruit
aphalaprepsunaa = by one without desire for fruitive result
aphalaakaaN^kshibhiH = by those devoid of desire for result
abandhu = one who does not have any brothers / kinmen
abala = helpless (woman)
abalaa = (helpless) Woman
abuddhayaH = less intelligent persons
abodha = Ignorance
abda = Season of plenty
abdhi = sea
abdhii = (m) ocean, sea
abraviit.h = spoke
abrahmaNya = Not kosher
abhaktaaya = to one who is not a devotee
abhaya = freedom from fear
abhayaM = fearlessness
abhaye = and fearlessness
abhavat.h = became
abhavishhyat.h = will become
abhaavaH = changing quality
abhaavayataH = of one who is not fixed
abhaashhata = began to speak
abhi = preposition
abhi+taD.h = to strike
abhikrama = in endeavoring
abhichaara = black magic
abhijanavaan.h = surrounded by aristocratic relatives
abhijaataH = born of
abhijaatasya = of one who is born of
abhijaananti = they know
abhijaanaati = does know
abhijaayate = becomes manifest
abhijita = A nakshatra between uttaraashhDhaa and shravaNa mainly centred on the star Vega. For some reason it is not usually included in the 27 nakshatras although it would make 28 if it was
adhipatii = Lord
abhijin.hmuhuurta = the most auspicious moment
abhitaH = everywhere
abhidhaasyati = explains
abhidhiiyate = is called
abhinandatii = praises
abhinaya = acting
abhinivesha = possessiveness
abhipravR^ittaH = being fully engaged
abhipraayaH = (m) opinion
abhibhavati = transforms
abhibhavaat.h = having become predominant
abhibhuuya = surpassing
abhimanaH = conceit
abhimaana = self-importance
abhimukhaaH = towards
abhiyaachanaa = (f) demand
abhiyuktaanaaM = fixed in devotion
abhirataH = following
abhirakshantu = should give support
abhirakshitaM = perfectly protected
abhirakshitam.h = who has been well protected
abhiraamastrilokaanaaM = the laudable rAma for all the three worlds
abhivijvalanti = and are blazing
abhishhi.nchati = performs' puuja', by pouring water etc. on the idol
abhishhekaM = ablution
abhisandhaaya = desiring
abhihitaa = described
abhiipsita = desired
abhyadhikaH = greater
abhyanunaadayan.h = resounding
abhyarchya = by worshiping
abhyasanaM = practice
abhyasuuyakaaH = envious
abhyasuuyati = is envious
abhyasuuyantaH = out of envy
abhyahanyanta = were simultaneously sounded
abhyaasha = outskirts
abhyaasa = study
abhyaasayoga = by practice
abhyaasayogena = by the practice of devotional service
abhyaasaat.h = than practice
abhyaase = in practice
abhyaasena = by practice
abhyutthaanaM = predominance
abhyudaya = rise , prosperity
abhraM = cloud
amanyata = believed
amarshha = (m) anger
amala = without rubbish
amalaM = clean
amalaan.h = pure
amaanitvaM = humility
amaanushha = (adj) inhuman, cruel
amitavikramaH = and unlimited force
amii = all those
amutra = in the next life
amuuDhaaH = unbewildered
amR^ita = of ambrosia, potion to cause immortality
amR^itaM = veritable nectar
amR^itattvaaya = for liberation
amR^itabinduu = a drop of nectar
amR^itabhujaH = those who have tasted such nectar
amR^itasya = of the immortal
amR^itodbhavaM = produced from the churning of the ocean
amR^itopamaM = just like nectar
amedhyaM = untouchable
ambandha = relation / connection
ambara = sky, aakaasha
ambaraM = sky, garment
ambaa = mother
ambu = water
ambudhi = sea
ambuvegaaH = waves of the waters
ambhas.h = (n) water
ambhasaa = by the water
ambhasi = on the water
ambhuruhaM = lotus
amla = (m) sour
ayaM = him (from idaM.h)
ayajanta = third person plur. imperfect aatmanepada of yaj, to worship
ayatiH = the unsuccessful transcendentalist
ayathaavat.h = imperfectly
ayaneshhu = in the strategic points
ayama = length, extension, restraint
ayashaH = infamy
ayasaH = (m) iron
ayase = (v) to go
ayaGYasya = for one who performs no sacrifice
ayuktaH = one who is not in KRishhNa consciousness
ayuktasya = of one who is not connected (with KRishhNa consciousness)
ayogataH = without devotional service
ayojayishhyat.h = if one does not join or connect
ayobhaaNDam.h = (n) a wooden barrel
araNyam.h = (n) jungle, forest
aratiH = being without attachment
araagadveshhataH = without love or hatred
ari = enemies
ari-bhaava = the sixth house in a Rashi or bhaava chart
arishhu = on enemies
arishhTanemiH = the appelation to Garuda?
arisuudana = O killer of the enemies
arogita = diseaselessness
arka = essence, a name of Sun
argasiM = (f) pleasure
argha = value
archati = (1 pp) to worship
archituM = to worship
arjana = obtaining
arjanaM = the earning or acquiring or acqusition
arjuna = a disciple of Krishna, hero of the Mahabharata
arjunaM = unto Arjuna
arjunaH = Arjuna
arjunayoH = and Arjuna
artha = money
arthaM = wealth
arthaH = is meant
arthan.h = and economic development
arthanaipuNa = (n) efficient in polity
arthapraaptirbhavati = wealth-attainment becomes
arthayate = (10 pp) to request
arthavaan.h = one with money
arthasya = (masc.poss.sing.) wealth or meaning
arthaarthii = one who desires material gain
arthiyaM = meant
arthe = in meaning
arthopaarjanaaya = for earning maney
ardha = half
ardhachandraasana = the half-moon posture
ardhanavaasana = the half-boat posture
ardhanaariinaTeshvara = Shiva and his Shakti united as one
ardhanaariishvara = Shiva and his Shakti united as one
ardhanicholaH = (m) frock
ardhapadmaasana = the half-lotus posture
ardhamatsyendraasana = the half spinal-twist posture
ardhashirshhaasana = the half headstand posture
ardhasarvaaN^gaasana = the half-shoulderstand posture
ardhasalabhaasana = the half-locust posture
ardhoruka = (n) half-pant
ardhorukam.h = (n) half-pant , shorts
arpaNa = Offer
arpaNaM = contribution
arpita = surrendering
arbudarogaH = (m) cancer
arbhaka = small
aryamaa = Aryama
arha = deserving
arhati = (1 pp) to deserve
arhasi = deserve
alaM = especially
ala.nkaaradiiptaM = shining with adornments, decorations
alaN^kR^ita = decorated / ornamented
alabdhabhuumikatva = the feeling that it is impossible to see reality
alabhya = Difficult
alasaH = lazy
alasya = indolence
alakshamaana = one who disregards
alakshmiH = poverty (alaxmiH is opp. of laxmiH)
ali = a black bug
aliika = (adj) false, untrue
aloluptvaM = freedom from greed
alpa = small, little
alpaM = a few, little, inadequate
alpabuddhayaH = the less intelligent
alpamedhasaaM = of those of small intelligence
alpavayaskaM = young (small) age
alpaayu = Short life between 8 and 32 years
ava = protect
avakaranikara = dust, garbage
avakarikaa = (f) dustbin, garbage bin
avakalana = differentiation
avagachchha = must know
avagam.h = to comprehend, understand
avagamaM = understood
avagraha = (m) famine
avachaya = (m) gathering, collection
avachinoti = to pluck
avachyaH = unblamable
avajaananti = deride
avataara = a divine incarnation particularly of Vishnu, e.g. Buddha
avataarayati = to keep down, to get down
avati = (1 pp) to protect
avatishhThati = remains
avatishhThate = becomes established
avatu = (may the lord) protect
avadhiiraNaa = (f) a repulse, repulsion
avadhyaH = cannot be killed
avana = protection
avaniM = earth
avanipaala = of warrior kings
avaniitanya = the daughter of the Earth (siita)
avayavaH = A Limb (of the body), A part, a portion, a component, a constitunt, an ingredient
avaraM = abominable
avaruuNaddhi = to obstruct
avarohati = to descend
avalipta = proud, haughty
avalehaH = (m) pickle
avashaH = helplessly
avashishhyate = remains
avashhTabhya = entering into
avasaM = automatically
avasan.h = III pl. imperfect of vas, to live
avasannaaH = inadequate
avasaraH = (m) opportunity, chance
avasarpati = to slide (as from a waterslide)
avasaadayet.h = put into degradation
avasthaa = a state of the mind
avasthaatuM = to stay
avasthaatrayaH = three states of bodily consciousness (awake, sleep, dream)
avasthitaM = situated
avasthitaH = situated
avasthitaaH = situated
avasthitaan.h = arrayed on the battlefield
avahaasaarthaM = for joking
avaGYaa = contempt
avaGYaataM = without proper attention
avaachii = (f) south
avaachya = unkind
avaaptavyaM = to be gained
avaaptuM = to achieve
avaapnoti = gets
avaapya = achieving
avaapyate = is achieved
avaapsyatha = you will achieve
avaapsyasi = will gain
avikalpena = without division
avikaaryaH = unchangeable
avichaarii = adj. thoughtless
avidita = without knowledge, unknowingly
avidushaH = of one who does not know
avidya = lack of education, ignorance
avidyaa = metaphysical ignorance
avidvaa.nsaH = the ignorant
avidhipuurvakaM = in a wrong way
avinashyantaM = not destroyed
avinaasha = undestructible, name of Vishnu
avinaashi = imperishable
avinaashinaM = indestructible
avipashchitaH = men with a poor fund of knowledge
avibhaktaM = without division
avirati = sensuality
avirodha = no opposition
aviGYeyaM = unknowable
avekshe = let me see
avekshya = considering
avottaraattaat.h = protect me from the northern direction
avyakta = nonmanifested
avyaktaM = nonmanifested
avyaktaH = invisible
avyaktamuurtinaa = by the unmanifested form
avyaktaa = toward the unmanifested
avyaktaat.h = to the unmanifest
avyaktaadiini = in the beginning unmanifested
avyabhichaariNii = without any break
avyabhichaariNyaa = without any break
avyabhichaareNa = without fail
avyaya = without deterioration
avyayaM = immutable
avyayaH = inexhaustible
avyayasya = of the imperishable
avyavasaayinaaM = of those who are not in KRishhNa consciousness
avyaakR^itaa = not expressed
avyaahataaGYaH = avyAhata+agyaH, not feeling the hit?
ash.h = to obtain, accomplish
asha.nka = undaunted
ashakta = weak
ashaktaH = unable
ashanam.h = (n) food
ashamaH = uncontrollable
ashayaat.h = from their source
ashastraM = without being fully equipped
ashaantasya = of the unpeaceful
ashaashvataM = temporary
ashaastra = not in the scriptures
ashishhya = unteachable (adj)
ashishhyaaya = non-disciple i.e.non-believer
ashuchi = to the unclean
ashuchiH = unclean
ashuchau = unclean
ashubha = and inauspicious
ashubhaM = evil
ashubhaat.h = from ill fortune
ashubhaan.h = inauspicious
ashushruushhave = to one who is not engaged in devotional service
asheshha = total
asheshhataH = completely
asheshhaaNi = all
asheshheNa = in detail
ashochyaan.h = not worthy of lamentation
ashoshhyaH = not able to be dried
aSTau = (adj) eight
ashnataH = of one who eats
ashnan.h = eating
ashnanti = enjoy
ashnaami = accept
ashnaasi = you eat
ashnute = achieves
ashma = stone
ashman.h = (masc) stone
ashraddadhaanaH = without faith in revealed scriptures
ashraddadhaanaaH = those who are faithless
ashraddhayaa = without faith
ashru = (n) tears
ashruupuurNaakula = full of tears
ashraushhaM = have heard
ashlaaghya = adj. virtueless
ashva = a horse
ashvatthaM = a banyan tree
ashvatthaH = the banyan tree
ashvatthaamaa = Asvatthama
ashvamedha = a form of sacrifice where a horse is sent around to estiblish supremacy
ashvaanaaM = among horses
ashvini = a mudraa, contraction of the anal sphincter muscles
ashvinau = the two Asvinis
ashhTa = eight
ashhTadalakamalabandha = eight-petalled lotus pattern, a form of bandha poetry
ashhTadhaa = eightfold
ashhTaadasha = eighteen
ashhTaavakra = name of a deformed(at eight places) sage
ashhTottarii-dashaa = A lunar based Dasha system uses 108 yr cycle and one chooses it according to certain criteria
ashhTau = eight
ashhtakavarga = A predictive method of Astrology that uses a system of points based upon planetary positions
asa.nnyasta = without giving up
asa.nyataa = unbridled
asa.nshayaM = undoubtedly
asa.nshayaH = beyond a doubt
asakta = unattached
asaktaM = without attraction
asaktaH = without attachment
asaktabuddhiH = having unattached intelligence
asaktaatmaa = one who is not attached
asaktiH = being without attachment
asaN^khyaH = (m) countless
asaN^gashastreNa = by the weapon of detachment
asat.h = matter
asataH = of the nonexistent
asatkR^itaM = without respect
asatkR^itaH = dishonored
asatyaM = unreal
asadR^ishhii = unfit
asapatnaM = without rival
asamarthaH = unable
asampraGYaata = unconscious samadhi
asammuuDhaH = undeluded
asammuuDhaaH = unbewildered
asammohaH = freedom from doubt
asaaraM = worthless/without essence
asaavaadityaH = asau and AdityaH: this(person) and Sun
asi = you are
asitaH = Asita
asid.hdhyoH = and failure
asiddhau = failure
asukhaM = full of miseries
asura = devil
asuraaNaaM = of demons
asuraan.h = demons
asuu = to hate, be jealous
asuun.h = life
asuuya = jelousy
asR^ij = (neut) blood
asR^ishhTaannaM = without distribution of prasaadam
asau = him (from adas.h)
asaumya = (adj) unpleasant
asta = fall (set)
astaM = destroyed , vanquished
astamavelaa = (fem) evening twilight
asti = (v) he is
astu = there should be
asteya = non-stealing
astra = Weapon
asthi = Bone
asthipaJNjaram.h = (n) skeleton
asthiraM = unsteady
asparshana = not touching
asmad.h = I, me
asmadiiyaiH = our
asmaakaM = us
asmaat.h = these
asmaan.h = us
asmaabhiH = by us
asmi = (v) I am
asmitaa = egotism, self righteousness
asmin.h = in this
asmindvaye = in this pair
asya = of it
asyati = (4 pp) to throw
asyaaM = in this
asvargyaM = which does not lead to higher planets
assi = (v) you (sing) are
aha = said
ahaM = (pron) I
ahaH = of daytime
ahaN^kara = tendency to identify oneself with external phenomena, 'the I-maker'
ahaN^kaara = Egoism, selfishness, ignorance
ahaN^kaaraM = false ego
ahaN^kaaraH = false ego
ahaN^kaaravimuuDha = bewildered by false ego
ahaN^kaaraat.h = by false ego
ahaN^kR^itaH = of false ego
ahatvaa = not killing
ahamahamikaa = (f) competition, debate
aharaagame = at the beginning of the day
aharnishaM = ahaH and nishaa:day and night
ahi = on earth
ahi.nsaa = non-violence
ahita = sorrow (antonym of hita)
ahitaaH = enemies
ahituNDikaH = (m) a snake charmer
ahaitukaM = without cause
aho = Oh !
ahoraatra = day and night
akshama = (adj) incapable
akshayaM = unlimited
akshayaH = eternal
akshara = Letter
aksharaM = indestructible
aksharaH = infallible
aksharaaNaaM = of letters
aksharaat.h = beyond the infallible
akshi = (n) eye
aGYa = the ignorant person
aGYaH = a fool who has no knowledge in standard scriptures
aGYataa = ignorance
aGYaana = ignorance
aGYaanaM = nescience
aGYaanajaM = due to ignorance
aGYaanasambhuutaM = born of ignorance
aGYaanaaM = of the foolish
aGYaanena = by ignorance
[सम्पादयतु] आ
aa = fromaa+ghraa = to smell
aa+char.h = to practice
aa+yaa = to come
aa+ruh.h = to climb
aaudau = in the beginning
aauuM-kaara = the sound AUM
aaH = to sit
aakarNa = towards the ear
aakarNa\-dhanuraasana = the shooting bow posture
aakarshha = attracted
aakarshhaNa = attraction
aakaa.nkshaa = wish, ambition
aakaara = (masc) form, shape
aakaarikaa = (f) doorbell
aakaasha = ether
aakaashaM = the sky
aakaashavaaNii = (f) radio
aakaashasthitaH = situated in the sky
aakaashaat.h = (abl.S)from space or sky
aakula = full of
aakulitam.h = sad, worried
aakR^itiini = forms
aakR^ishhTa = (past part. of aa + kR\^ishh) attracted
aakram.h = to attack
aakramaNam.h = (n) attack, invansion
aakShepaH = (m) objection
aakhu = mouse
aakhya = named
aakhyaa = (f) name
aakhyaataM = described
aakhyaahi = please explain
aagachchhet.h = one should come
aagataH = having attained
aagataaH = attained
aagama = arrival
aagamana = coming
aagame = on the arrival
aaN^gla = English
aaN^glabhaashhaa = English language
aachar.h = to behave, interact
aacharataH = acting
aacharati = he does
aacharaan.h = performing
aachaaraH = behavior
aachaarya = a religious teacher
aachaarya(H) = (Masc.nom.S)teacher; preceptor
aachaaryaM = the teacher
aachaaryaaH = teachers
aachaaryaan.h = teachers
aachaaryopaasanaM = approaching a bona fide spiritual master
aachchhaadakam.h = (n) covering sheet, chaddar
aajaanubaahuM = the one whose arms extend upto his knees
aajyaM = melted butter
aaDhyaH = wealthy
aaNiH = nail
aataN^ka = horror , terror
aatataayinaH = aggressors
aatapa = heat
aatapatraM = sunshade
aatishhTha = be situated
aatura = anxious
aatta = ready
aattha = have spoken
aatma = of the self
aatmakaM = consisting of
aatmakaH = possessing or controlling
aatmakaaraNaat.h = for sense enjoyment
aatmaja = son
aatmajaH = son
aatmajaa = daughter
aatmatR^iptaH = self-illuminated
aatman.h = Soul
aatmana = (Masc.instr.sing.) thro' the self
aatmanaH = of the person
aatmanaa = by the purified mind
aatmani = in himself
aatmabhaava = within their hearts
aatmabhuutaatmaa = compassionate
aatmamaayayaa = by My internal energy
aatmayogaat.h = by My internal potency
aatmaratiH = taking pleasure in the self
aatmavantaM = situated in the self
aatmavashyaiH = under one's control
aatmavaan.h = established in the self
aatmavinigrahaH = self-control
aatmavibhuutayaH = personal opulences
aatmavishvaasaH = (m) confidence
aatmasa.nyama = of controlling the mind
aatmasa.nstutiH = and praise of himself
aatmasa.nsthaM = placed in transcendence
aatmasaat.h = to imbibe, to make one's own, to train oneself
aatmaGYaana = knowledge of self
aatmaa = soul
aatmaa.atattvamasi = Thou art That Not (self + Self are differnt:Duality)
aatmaanaM = the mind
aatmaani = in the pure state of the soul
aatmaasambhavitaaH = self-complacent
aatmiyataa = the feeling of oneness
aatmaiva = the very mind
aatyantikaM = supreme
aadatte = accepts
aadaraH = (m) respect
aadarshaH = (m) ideal
aadaana = taking
aadi = beginning
aadiM = the origin
aadiH = the origin
aadikartre = to the supreme creator
aadikeshhu = etc etc
aaditya = a name of Sun, Vishnu is among twelve Aditya-s
aadityaH = the Adityas
aadityagataM = in the sunshine
aadityavat.h = like the rising sun
aadityavarNaM = luminous like the sun
aadityaan.h = the twelve sons of Aditi
aadityaanaaM = of the Adityas
aadidevaM = the original Lord
aadidevaH = the original Supreme God
aadibhiH = by those
aadishhTa = ordered
aadishhTavaan.h = (he was)commanded
aadiishvara = the primeval lord, a name of Shiva
aadR^itaH = having begun
aadau = First
aadya = earliest
aadyaM = original
aadhatsva = fix
aadhaaya = resigning
aadhaaraH = support or base
aadhipatyaM = (n) supremacy, ownership, overlordship
aadhunika = (adj) modern
aadhyaatmikaM = super-natural, spiritual
aanana = Face
aananaM = face
aananda = happiness
aanandana = happiness
aanandamayaH = full of great happiness
aantaradeshiiya = within the country mainly for transaction??
aap.h = to obtain
aapaH = water
aapaNaH = (m) shop
aapaNikaH = (m) shop-keeper
aapad.h = calamity
aapadaaM = dangers
aapannaM = achieved
aapannaaH = gaining
aapah = water
aapuryamaaNaM = always being filled
aapuurya = covering
aapR^ichchha = take leave of
aapoklima = The 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th Houses
aaptuM = afflicts one with
aapnuyaaM = may have
aapnuvanti = attain
aapnoti = achieves
aaplutaa = immersed
aabda = year
aabdaphala = yearly prognostication, also varshhaphala
aabrahmabhuvanaat.h = up to the Brahmaloka planet
aabharaNaM = ornaments
aabharaNam.h = (n) ornaments, jewellery
aabhaa = color
aabhaasaM = the original source
aamanaska = the mind free from desire
aamaya = disease
aamraphalam.h = (n) mango (the king of fruits)
aamla = sour
aayaH = (m) income, earnings
aayatana = place, position
aayatam.h = (n) rectangle
aayanaa.nsha = Precession of Equinoxes. Used to convert Tropical positions to Sidereal
aayaataH = have come
aayaatana = abode, resting place
aayuH = [long] life
aayudhaM = weapons
aayudhaanaaM = of all weapons
aayushhkaaraka = Significator of Longevity which is Saturn
aayojakaH = (m) organiser, sponsor
aaratii = crying out of desperation for help, ritual
aarabdhat.h = started
aarabdham.h = started
aarabhate = begins
aarabhyate = is begun
aarambha = beginning
aarambhaH = endeavor
aarambhashuura = one who shows active participation in the beginning
aarambhikaaH = beginners
aarakshakaH = (m) policeman
aarakshikaa = (f) policewoman
aaraadhanaM = for the worship
aaraadhya = pleasable
aaraama = (m) garden
aaraamaH = from rAma? source?
aaruDha = The sign which is as distant from the lord as the lord is from the house concerned
aarurukshoH = who has just begun yoga
aaruhya = having climbed
aaruuDhasya = of one who has attained
aaruuDhaani = being placed
aaruudha = house
aarogya = health
aaropayati = to plant
aarohaNa = climbing
aarohati = to climb, to ascend
aarjavaM = simplicity
aarta = intensely troubled
aartaH = the distressed
aarthika = (adj) economic, fiscal
aarthikaniiti = (f) economic policy
aardita = parched, dry
aardra = wet
aardrachittaa = having emotional mind
aardraa = Sixth nakshatra
aarya = wise man
aaryasamaaja = Aryan group
aaryaa = (f) a respected woman
aarhaaH = deserving
aalamba = support
aalambate = to recline
aalaya = house
aalasya = idleness
aali = maid
aaliN^gati = to embrace
aalochate = to think, to contemplate
aalochaya = (verbal stem) consider
aavayoH = of ours
aavaraNa = a veil
aavartaH = (m) whirlpool
aavartate = comes back
aavartinaH = returning
aavali = (f) line, row
aavaasaH = (m) residence, living quarters
aavirbhuutaM = having taken a physical form or incarnation
aavishya = entering
aavishh.h = to be possesed by
aavishhTaM = overwhelmed
aavishhTaH = overwhelmed
aavikshita = descendent of avikshit (i.e, marutta)
aavR^ita = encircled
aavR^itaM = is covered
aavR^itaH = is covered
aavR^itaa = covered
aavR^itaaH = covered
aavR^ittiM = return
aavR^itya = covering
aavR^ishhTi = (fem) rain
aaveshita = fixed
aaveshya = establishing
aavriyate = is covered
aavhayati = to call
aasha.ns.h = to wish, to hope, to desire
aashaya = (masc) resting place
aashayasthitaaH = situated within the heart
aashaa = desire
aashaapaasha = entanglements in a network of hope
aashaapiNDaM = AshA+pindaM, desire+lump(piNDaM also means rice-ball given
aashina = old (also heard as aashiina)
aashishhati = to give aashirvaad
aashu = fast
aashcharyaM = surprise
aashcharyamayaM = wonderful
aashcharyavat.h = with wonder, surprise
aashcharyaaNi = all the wonders
aashrama = a yoga centre or school
aashrayatva = dependence, leaning
aashrayaa = sheltor
aashrayet.h = must come upon
aashri = to take shelter
aashritaM = assuming
aashritaH = taking refuge
aashritaaH = accepting
aashritya = taking shelter of
aashleshha = embrace
aashleshhaa = Ninth nakshatra
aashvaasayaamaasa = encouraged
aashvinii = First nakshatra
aashhu = very soon
aas.h = to sit
aasaM = exist
aasakta = attached
aasaktamanaaH = mind attached
aasana = seat
aasanaM = seat
aasanastham.h = (lotus like-)posture-stood
aasane = on the seat
aasaadaya = (causative of aa+sad) resort to
aasaadya = attaining
aasit.h = was/existed
aasina = by the weapon
aasinaM = situated
aasinaH = eaters
aasiit.h = was
aasiita = does remain still
aasiinaH = situated
aasuraM = demonic
aasuraH = demoniac
aasuranishchayaan.h = demons
aasurii = demoniac qualities
aasuriiM = atheistic
aasuriishhu = demoniac
aastikyaM = religiousness
aaste = remains
aasthaaya = following
aasthitaH = being situated
aasthitaaH = situated
aasya = (m) mouth
aasvaada = tasting
aaha = said
aahati = striking, hitting
aahartR^i = (m adj.) a performer
aahave = in the fight
aahaara = Diet
aahaaraH = eating
aahaaraaH = eating
aahuH = are said
aahR^i = to eat
aaho = or else
aaGYaa = command
[सम्पादयतु] इ
iN^gate = waverichchh.h = to wish
ichchha = the will
ichchhati = (6 up) to wish
ichchhan.h = present participle of ishh, to wish
ichchhantaH = desiring
ichchhasi = you wish
ichchhaa = desire
ichchhaami = do I wish
ijyate = is performed
ijyayaa = by worship
iDaa = the channel on the left of the spine
iDyaM = worshipable
itaH = besides this
itara = Other
itaraH = common
itaretara = mutual, each-other
itastataH = (indecl) here and there
iti = like that
itihaasa = history
itihaasa(H) = history; epic
itthaM = like that
ityuta = thus it is said
ityetaani = iti+etAni, thus+ these
ityevaM = knowing thus
idaM = this
idaaniiM = now
idR^ik.h = as it is
indiraa = Goddess Lakshmi
indiraaramaNa = Vishnu, Husband of Goddess Lakshmi
indu = moon
indugopa = a centipede commonly seen during rainy season
indraH = the god Indra
indrachaapa = (m) rainbow
indradhanuH = (m) rainbow
indriya = organ of sense or action
indriyaH = senses
indriyagocharaaH = the objects of the senses
indriyagraamaM = the full set of senses
indriyajaya = mastery of the senses by controlling the desires
indriyasya = of the senses
indriyasyaarthe = in the sense objects
indriyaaNaaM = of the senses
indriyaaNi = the senses
indriyaaraamaH = satisfied in sense gratification
indriyaarthaan.h = sense objects
indriyaarthebhyaH = from the sense objects
indriyaartheshhu = in sense gratification
indriyebhyaH = more than the senses
indriyaiH = by the senses
indro = the Lord Indra
indhana = fuel
imaM = (from idaM) this
imaaH = all these
imaan.h = these
ime = these
imau = these
iyaM = this
iva = just like or as if
ishat.h = a little
ishhubhiH = with arrows
ishhTa = of all desirable things
ishhTaM = leading to heaven
ishhTaaH = palatable
ishhTaan.h = desired
ishhTikaa = (f) brick
ishhTvaa = worshiping
iha = here
ihaiva = in the present body
ikshuH = sugarcane
ikshvaakave = unto King Iksvaku
[सम्पादयतु] ई
iidR^ishhaM = like thisiirma = (m) arm
iirsha = jelousy
iisha = God
iishaM = Lord Siva
iishaavaasyaM = inhabited or manifested by the Master
iishvara = lord, the capable (here)
iishvaraM = the Supersoul
iishvaraH = the Supreme Lord
iishvarapraaNidhaana = attentiveness to god
iih.h = to wish
iihate = he aspires
iihante = they desire
iihaa = wish
iiksh.h = to see
iikshaNa = seeing
iikshaNaM = eyes
iikshate = (1 ap) to see
[सम्पादयतु] उ
अंग्रेजानी संस्कृतम् शब्दकोष (English to Sanskrit dictionary)
[सम्पादयतु] A
- aeronautics = उड्डयन
- architecture = वास्तुशास्त्र
- astronomy = खगोलशास्त्र
[सम्पादयतु] B
- book = पुस्तकम्
- buffalo = महिशी
- brother = भ्राता / अनुज:
[सम्पादयतु] C
- cardiology = हृदयशास्त्र
- cell = कोशिका
- computer = सुसांख्य यन्त्र
- coup = क्शद्यन्त्र
[सम्पादयतु] D
- dermatology = चर्मशास्त्र
- device = यन्त्र
- doctor = चिकित्सक / वैद्य
[सम्पादयतु] E
- economics = अर्थशास्त्र
- environment = वातावरण
- electricity = विद्युत
- eye = नयनम्
[सम्पादयतु] G
- good = उत्तम/शोभनम
- goat = अजा
- grape = द्राक्षा
[सम्पादयतु] H
- house = सदन/गृह
- hour = होरा
[सम्पादयतु] L
- lion = सिंह
- light = प्रकाश
- luck = भाग्यम
[सम्पादयतु] M
- man = नर: / मनुष्य
- maternal = मैत्रिक
- microorganism = सूक्ष्म जीव
- mother = मातृ / माता
[सम्पादयतु] N
- nation = राज्य
[सम्पादयतु] P
- paternal = पैत्रिक
- philosopher = दार्शनिक
[सम्पादयतु] T
- tiger = व्याघ्र:
- tissue = उत्तक
[सम्पादयतु] U
- universe = ब्रह्माण्डम्
[सम्पादयतु] W
- water = जल
- woman = स्त्री/नारी
- word = शब्द
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