Wednesday, November 1, 2023

G7 Agree on Global Development of AI that is Safe, Secure, and Dependable

 The Group of Seven Developed nations is all set to establish a code of conduct for companies engaged in advanced artificial intelligence systems, as revealed in a G7 document. This initiative comes in response to the growing concerns about the potential risks and misuse of AI technology.


  • The European Union has taken a proactive stance in regulating AI with its comprehensive AI Act. 
  • it encourages companies to publish public reports outlining the capabilities, limitations, and both the responsible and irresponsible uses of AI systems.
  • The G7, which includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union, began this process in May during a ministerial forum known as the “Hiroshima AI process."


This voluntary code of conduct represents a significant step in how major countries will oversee AI, addressing issues related to privacy and security. The G7, which includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union, began this process in May during a ministerial forum known as the “Hiroshima AI process.”

The 11-point code's primary objective is to encourage the global development of AI that is safe, secure, and dependable. It will offer voluntary guidance to organizations working on cutting-edge AI systems, including advanced foundation models and generative AI systems. The code's aim is to harness the benefits of AI while effectively addressing the associated risks and challenges.

The code advises companies to take measures to identify, assess, and mitigate risks throughout the AI lifecycle. It also emphasizes the importance of addressing incidents and misuse patterns once AI products are on the market. Furthermore, it encourages companies to publish public reports outlining the capabilities, limitations, and both the responsible and irresponsible uses of AI systems. Robust security controls are also highlighted as an area of investment.

The European Union has taken a proactive stance in regulating AI with its comprehensive AI Act. In contrast, countries like Japan, the United States, and nations in Southeast Asia have adopted a more hands-off approach to stimulate economic growth. European Commission digital chief Vera Jourova has emphasized the significance of this Code of Conduct as a foundation for ensuring AI safety, bridging the gap until formal regulations are in place, as she mentioned during a forum on internet governance in Kyoto, Japan.

ChatGPT now enables users to upload and analyze PDF files and various other types of documents

 OpеnAI rеcеntly introducеd a nеw fеaturе namеd 'Advancеd data analysis', which, as thе namе suggеsts, lеts usеrs upload documеnts and gеt thеm analysеd from thе AI powеrеd chatbot.

OpеnAI, thе company that madе ChatGPT, rеcеntly introducеd a nеw fеaturе for thе chatbot that lеts usеrs upload PDF filеs and gеt thеm analysеd. Thе functionality is currеntly in bеta and availablе for ChatGPT Plus mеmbеrs.

Thе nеw fеaturе works with various typеs of documеnts likе PDFs, data filеs and othеr filеs. ChatGPT’s latеst fеaturе can comе in handy for thosе who don’t want to go through lеngthy documеnts and want to gеt information likе summariеs, undеrstand various data points and gеnеratе graphs and charts basеd on thе data in a filе.You can еnablе thе ‘Advancеd data analysis’ fеaturе by hеading to thе ChatGPT sеttings and turning on thе fеaturе from thе ‘bеta fеaturеs’ sеction.

A usеr who goеs by thе handlе ‘luokai’ on Thrеads sharеd somе scrееnshots of thеir convеrsation with ChatGPT, using thе fеaturе to upload an imagе of a capybara and asking thе chatbot to gеnеratе a Pixar-stylеd photo from thе еxisting imagе.Thеy thеn uploadеd an imagе of a skatеboard and askеd thе chatbot to makе an imagе whеrе thе capybara is holding it. Howеvеr, thе AI-powеrеd chatbot sееms to bе hallucinating as it automatically addеd a hat to thе skatеboard carrying capybara.Apart from introducing thе ability to analysе filеs, OpеnAI also introducеd multimodal support, a fеaturе that can automatically sеlеct various modеs likе Browsе with Bing, Codе Intеrprеtеr instеad of thе usеr manually changing it. It looks likе OpеnAI is still rolling out somе of thеsе fеaturеs, so it might takе somе timе bеforе thеy arе availablе to all ChatGPT Plus mеmbеrs. 

BGMI Unveils Thrilling Haunted Havens Exchange Centre Event Packed with In-Game Rewards

 Battlegrounds Mobile India has recently announced the new 2.8 update which celebrates the spooky month. As Halloween is around the corner, the game has introduced a new zombie edge theme which enables the player to experience new abilities, events, rewards, and more. One such event that has grabbed players' eyes is the Haunted Havens Exchange Centre. 


  • The BGMI has introduced a new zombie edge theme which enables the player to experience new abilities, events, rewards, and more.
  • Games will play the Zombies Edge mode on a daily basis and complete all their daily tasks.
  • Players have a chance to earn enticing rewards by completing daily tasks, including activities like Arena mode, classic mode, and surviving in the top 10.

Gamers can earn exciting prizes, such as character costumes and scrap vouchers, at the new exchange centre. Know how the event works.

The Haunted Havens Exchange Centre is now available in the game and players can access the center by visiting the Events section. Note that the event is only available for a limited period of time and it will end on November 1, 2023. In the event, players will be given a chance to earn attractive Halloween-themed costumes, skins, prizes, etc. To win these attractive rewards in the latest Haunted Havens Exchange Center, games will play the Zombies Edge mode on a daily basis and complete all their daily tasks. After completing each task, the players will be rewarded with Halloween pumpkins which later they trade at the exchange center to get in-game rewards.

In the BGMI Haunted Havens Exchange Centre, players have a chance to earn enticing rewards by completing daily tasks, including activities like Arena mode, classic mode, and surviving in the top 10. These tasks grant players varying amounts of pumpkins, such as 50, 10, and 15 pumpkins.

Accumulating these pumpkins offers the following rewards:

850 pumpkins – Patrician's Dream Set.    350 pumpkins – Patrician's Dream Cover.             90 pumpkins – One Classic Crate Coupon.    30 pumpkins – One Supply Crate Coupon.

To claim these rewards, players should head to the Haunted Havens Exchange Centre's event section and complete their daily tasks. Additionally, players can also obtain freebies by redeeming BGMI redeem codes. Simply visit the official BGMI website, enter your character ID, input the redemption code, and collect valuable in-game rewards.